
How to Download Anniversary No Kuni No Alice Game on Pc Free Free Updated

How to Get Clover no Kuni no Alice

This tutorial will expect a LOT like the i for Heart. In fact, it volition look almost EXACTLY like that. With some important differences. Like…dissimilar links. That's important. I got this guide partly from this site.

If you have whatsoever questions or concerns, leave a annotate and I'll address them equally best I can.

Also, delight go hither and run across what you lot can do to support QuinRose before you read whatsoever farther.

Anyone who's been having trouble with the whale fault, try downloading this update patch from the QR site and installing information technology – delight leave comments letting me know if it works or not.

If you lot've already downloaded and installed uTorrent, Daemon, Atlas and its crack and actress dictionary, WinRAR, and AGTH, feel free to simply skip to pace 5. Besides if your calculator's already in Japanese you can skip step 6 in its entirety.

What you need to know:

  • How to unzip folders
  • How to download files
  • How to basically navigate a PC
  1. In one case again, check that you own a PC and do all of this on that PC because these games absolutely do not run on Mac and every bit far as I know at that place is no solution to this.
  2. Download uTorrent from this site and install it.
  3. Next, you'll need to download Daemon ProTools (green push), Atlas v14 too as its crack and an extra dictionary, and AGTH. IMPORTANT: Do NOT RUN ATLAS Before INSTALLING THE Cleft.
    You will need WinRAR in order to unzip some of these files (click the blue button at the lesser of the folio).
  4. Unzip the Atlas scissure folder; information technology should be called ATLCHECK. Re-create the files from the unzipped folder, and get to C:\Programme Files\Atlas V14\ and paste the file in there; overwrite any was in at that place before, and then start upwards Atlas to make sure it works. Install Daemon ProTools, and extract the two files from the AGTH folder and paste them both directly in your C:\ drive.
  5. Now, torrent the game using uTorrent. This is the torrent link, and before you lot comment that this looks exactly like the Eye guide, believe me, this is a new link. Click the lesser push on the correct that says "Download Torrent". And then open the torrent file you just downloaded with uTorrent (should be the default when yous double-click). It volition have a while to get connected, and then it will start veeery slowly downloading. Torrents tend to speed up as they go, and depending on your internet speed and how many seeds are connected, this torrent could take anywhere from 4 or 5 hours to a couple days. Fun stuff.
  6. While that'southward torrenting, change your system locale to Japan. You tin do this by going to Control Panel>Clock, Language, and Region>Region and Language>Administrative>Alter System Locale. Click the "Alter System Locale" button and select Japanese (Nippon). You volition need admin priveleges to do this. Then go to the Location tab in that same window, click the dropdown bar, and select Japan in that location besides. Employ all changes. This is how it works for Windows 7; if yous accept an older version, effort searching Windows help for "Region and linguistic communication" or "change region", and do whatever that tells you to do.
  7. Once your torrent is finished, you should have a WinRAR archive (.rar extension) with a Japanese proper noun, called something like クローバーの国のアリス~ Wonderful Wonder World ~ + 特典 (女性向け). Since I'k sure you lot have WinRAR by now, y'all tin excerpt the files from this archive. After the extraction you should accept a folder with the same name as the annal, and inside another WinRAR archive called (PCゲーム) (女性向け) (QuinRose) [071225] クローバーの国のアリス. Extract the files from this one also; they're huge so information technology may take awhile.
  8. Open the folder you simply extracted. Within in that location should be ii Clover no Kuni no Alice files. You want the huge .MDF ane, Not the tiny .MDS ane.
    Right click on that .MDF and open it with Daemon.
  9. Once once more you're going to get another scary installation screen that's all in Japanese. Relax. This works just like Heart, except there's only i disk, so less stress. If your reckoner asks you whether you lot want to run alc_auto.exe, run information technology. That'due south the installation programme. After that, simply continue clicking the buttons that say "(N)>" on them.
    9a. If yous're having problems with Daemon, check steps seven and 8 from the Heart guide for how to apply it.
  10. Sadly, your game will not piece of work all the same. For the next few steps, if your computer has antivirus software, you're going to demand to disable it, as most antivirus softwares have an event with a file that is crucial to the game running. You should have another .rar file from the torrent, called "NoDVD EXE for クローバーの国のアリス". Extract all the files from this. Look inside the freshly extracted folder and find the file called "reg". Copy it. Become to wherever the game installed (near likely C:\Plan Files (x86)\QuinRose\alice_c). In that location will exist some other "reg" file there. Replace it with the one you copied.
    10a. It really sucks to have to redisable your antivirus every time you lot play; the all-time style to practice this (and this is what I did) is look to see if your antivirus program allows for exceptions, and so give it the path for the "reg" file. That should keep it from going into a panic and deleting "reg" every time you try to play.
    10b. If "reg" gets deleted by your antivirus, don't fret. Hopefully you kept your original torrent files. Just re-extract NoDVD EXE for クローバーの国のアリス, and recopy the file to where it belongs.
  11. Now, we're going to hook AGTH to the game. Go to your Plan Files and find Clover installed. Open the folder and discover the .exe that runs the game (alice_in_clover.exe). Create a shortcut for that .exe and place information technology on the desktop. Correct click the shortcut and go all the manner downward to "Properties"; in the "Target" box, paste this lawmaking before everything else:
    C:\agth.exe /c
    This is much nicer than the Eye code because Clover is surprisingly less temperamental.
  12. This will all exist a echo from Center; if yous've done this, skip to the next stride.
    Open Atlas. Click the icon that says Tool, then go all the fashion down to "Management Card", then to "Merge Dictionary Data…".

    You should've downloaded UserDictionary001 before. Click "Add…" beside the Input Files box, and browse for Userdictionary001. One it finishes processing, click "Add together Words".  Once information technology's done, shut out of that window, so click the icon that says "QuickAtlas". This will start up, well, QuickAtlas, which is basically the toolbar version of Atlas. You lot should see a new little icon announced in your explore bar, downwards in the correct hand corner. Correct click that footling icon, and turn on "Automatic Clipboard Translation".
  13. Almost done. Time for the moment of truth. Double click your little Clover icon. Starting time a new game (first button on the menu), and hunt in the AGTH card for "KiriKiri".

    This will contain all the game dialogue, which volition exist automatically copied to your clipboard, then to Atlas for effortless engrishy translation. Sometimes the KiriKiri will change, or more will be added. If you lose the dialogue, only hunt around among the KiriKiri until you notice information technology once again.
  14. Enjoy your game!


How to Download Anniversary No Kuni No Alice Game on Pc Free Free Updated

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